
【美國球迷之聲】勇士擊敗太陽 !美球迷戲稱Cook加入MVP爭奪戰-黑特籃球-NBA新聞影音圖片分享社區

[–]WarriorsAhentsch 285 亮 3小時前

We did it! We beat the Suns!


  • [–]Heatmastermindzeus 27 亮 3小時前

    Great game; both teams played well!Career night for Jackson and Green was playing like an all star tonight


  • 【美國球迷之聲】勇士擊敗太陽 !美球迷戲稱Cook加入MVP爭奪戰-黑特籃球-NBA新聞影音圖片分享社區
  • [–]shoobiedoobie 19 亮 3小時前

    He plays like an all star every night. Do people think he got picked as an allstar for his scoring?


[–]WarriorsWhoNeedsAWholeBagel 68 亮3小時前

How pumped are you if you're Cook? A Young dude that earned a two way contract with the champs and scores 28 on 11-17 shooting when called upon to play big minutes in the NBA.Proud of you, kid. Good shit!


  • [–]Warriorsbilyl 12 亮 2小時前

Cooks gonna get paid eventually. This run cements him for getting an nba contract.


【美國球迷之聲】勇士擊敗太陽 !美球迷戲稱Cook加入MVP爭奪戰-黑特籃球-NBA新聞影音圖片分享社區

[–]WarriorsCrimson510 245 亮 4小時前

Quinn Cook has entered the MVP race

Quinn Cook正式進入MVP爭奪戰。
