10月10日訊 據路透社等多家媒體報導,NBA球星Harden今日接受記者採訪時表示,人們都有言論自由,並表示了他對Silver在這個觀點上的支持。
“我們都有言論自由,這是我們居住的世界,每個人都應該能夠說出自己的想法,很顯然,有的人會同意,有的人會不同意,這就是我們居住的世界,我在這里對Silver表示支持(I am here for Adam Silver)。”Harden如是說。
英文原文:“We all have freedom of speech, that is the world we live in,” said Harden, according to Reuters. “Everyone should (say) how they feel and their thought process, be able to speak it. Obviously some people are going to feel some type of ways, others are going to agree. That is just the world we live in. I am here for Adam Silver.”
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